Residential Services

Residential Services

Enter Bradbury Hostel
  • Personal Growth
    To provide individual and group counselling which aim at enhancing students’ self-understanding, social skills and life skills; and to help them achieve proper development on their behaviour, emotion and academic work.  To cater for the students with special needs, the in-house clinical psychologist provides assessment and clinical treatment services.
  • Caring Services
    To provide modernized facilities and support for students, including the accommodation furnished according to their needs, catering service and escort service for medical consultation, etc.  The students are taken care by a group of housemasters who are usually registered social workers.  The housemasters play the parental role and provide 24-hour comprehensive and warm care to the students.
  • Social Education
    With good network with other organizations, to provide a lot of opportunities for students to participate in different kinds of social services in the community so as to help them ascertain their value on self and cultivate their sense of good citizenship.
  • Support to Families
    To encourage parents to participate in the helping process, the caseworkers will work closely with the parents and the referring workers in order to formulate the most appropriate welfare plans for the students.
  • Types of Services
    Apart from providing short-term and long-term residential care services for junior form students, the Hostel also provides extended residential care services for leavers of the School so as to facilitate them to further their studies in other schools or to enter the workforce.